bestology 2023 Week 4 – Breath in…Breath out…

Published by Kevin Lidington on

Breath in…Breath out…

Breath in, breath out.  Without our lungs to breathe, we can’t live.  It’s safe to say breathing is the most important thing our body does. Let’s take a journey through your lungs and see just how important your lungs are for you to function. Before we begin, take this online quiz to test your lungs & respiratory system knowledge.

Lungs are part of the respiratory system which consists of all the organs involved in breathing.  As we breathe in, the air comes in through our nose or mouth and travels down the pharynx, larynx and then the trachea. Your trachea is also known as the windpipe.  Your trachea splits into two making the bronchi inside the lungs which then goes through pathways called bronchioles.  As the oxygen enters your lungs, it sends it throughout your body and then expels the carbon dioxide your cells do not need. Check out this video that goes through our respiratory system.

Fun Facts about the lung (  

  • The average person breathes in the equivalent of 13 pints of air every minute.
  • The lungs are the only organs in the human body to float on water.
  • If the lungs were open flat, they would cover the entire size of a tennis court!
  • Breathing has very little to do with oxygen. Air has 21 percent oxygen and the body only needs 5 percent.  The rest comes from carbon dioxide.
  • Seventy percent of waste is eliminated through your lungs just by breathing.
  • In human beings, the right lung is larger than the left lung to accommodate the heart.



 Grab a notebook or your journal and research the following:

  • Research what parts are in the respiratory system. Draw and label the lungs and parts of the respiratory system. Write the function next to each part you label. Make a list of everything that consists of the respiratory system and a short definition of each.
    • Diaphragm, Left Lung, Right Lung, Bronchioles, Bronchus, Alveoli, Trachea, Larynx, Pharynx, Nose, Nasal Cavity, Nasal Conchae.
  • Next watch the videos, “Robotic Bronchoscopy – Mayo Clinic” and “Robotic-assisted Lung surgery.” What do you think of the videos? Write down 5 interesting things you learned.


 Group – As a group, create a model of the lungs using construction paper, two long bendy straws, two plastic bags and tape (you can add to this using other supplies if you choose).  Make sure all students wash their hands before handling the straws.  One student will be the model to blow into the straws when you present your model to the class.  For this assignment to be a success, one must blow into the straws and the lungs/sandwich baggies will inflate. The minimum amount of parts for each group should be two lungs, a mouth, a larynx and trachea, and a nose.  Check out this link on “How to Make A Lung Model with Kids” for reference.

Individual – Read and watch the TIME article, “The Teenager Who Needed a Double Lung Transplant Because He Vaped Has Something to Say” on the first teenager who needed a double lung transplant.  What kind of damage was done to his lungs due to vaping? Why do you think he couldn’t remember months of his life when he was in the hospital getting a double lung transplant? What else did Daniel lose from vaping?

Check out his non-profit site.  What is their mission?

BEST connection

COVID-19 virus is airborne transmitted.  What materials from your kit would be useful in making a mask or filter? We have seen many 3D printed designs for these recently. Do you have your own design? Sketch what it would look like 

Community Connection

The air we breathe makes such an impact on our health and our activities.  If the air is unsafe or unhealthy, we stay indoors, we have to take medicine, we wear masks and we have to stop our normal routines.  But what ways can we keep our community safer in order for us to breathe clean air and be outside?

Let’s watch the following videos and see what ways air pollution has on humans?

What effect can air pollution have on plants? How does it affect the plants and animals’ ability to breathe well?  In what ways can our atmosphere be affected by air pollution?  What can you do to prevent air pollution and improve your health and health of others?

Bloom’s Taxonomy: create, explore, evaluate, generate, include, identify, list, observe, reflect, review, use, and write

Workforce Skills – list workforce skills related to this lesson

Critical thinking, materials evaluation, reading comprehension, science, writing, research

My Personal Journal

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