bestology 2025 – Lesson 2 – Too often we… enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought

Published by Gwynn Moore on

Welcome to bESTology 2025 fACTOIDS

Your team is about to embark on an invaluable journey that will further the use of technology and human interaction for the future.  Knowing the importance of your mission, your team recognizes that your investigators, known as Librarians, will conduct investigations and research to uncover this new technology breakthrough and learn how to facilitate the positive use to benefit humanity. Now that you have completed your first mission learning the difference between Facts and Misinformation your team is now ready to apply those Critical Thinking Skills to your next Mission. Is your team of Librarians ready? Let’s begin by moving to the topic shown below.  

Lesson #2-  "Too often we... enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." –John F. Kennedy

Now that your Librarians are gathered and ready for your second mission, using the quote above and the questions and links below, you will discover how your team can understand the John F. Kennedy  quote and employ critical thinking to complete your mission.


Humans understand truth as real, factual, provable information. Every day humans have to make decisions and judgements about what is Truth, what is a Lie, what is Real, and what is Fake. How does thinking and beliefs impact the discovery of the truth? Use the links below to learn how to elevate your brain to Critical Thinking Mode and understand how humans think and determine judgements we make.  and reality…

Resource Title

Website URL

Are You Aware of Bias


Are You Aware of Your Bias

Bias Impacting Equality


Understanding Bias and its Impact on Equality

Test Your Judgements and Decisions


Survival of the BEST Fit

Bias Through Images


What is Image Bias


Let’s dig  a little deeper into the judgments humans make and why. Have you ever tried to determine the reliability of memes, social media or media posts before? If so, what method did you use? How accurate were the results? How did your feelings or thoughts influence your decision to determine if the item was True or Fake?

Tools You Can Use:
Verification: Google Image Search Tools 
News: Fact or Fiction

Resource Title

Website URL

Video: Understanding Bias

What is Bias?

Video: Stereotypes

Learning about Stereotypes

Detecting Bias Quiz

Detecting Bias Quiz


Challenge! Can you identify the bias used in making decisions? Click the link to begin  Galaxy Game: Loki’s Loop

GOING FURTHER Knowing how we make decisions based on internal judgements and bias influences what we choose to believe as real or true. As technology advances, does a computer think? If yes, how and what or whom determines what technology thinking is? 

INQUIRY PROJECT President John F. Kennedy’s quote “Too often we… enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort at the beginning of this lesson focused on a period in our history that was filled with biased reactions, Civil Rights. Learn about John F. Kennedy’s Presidency and using what you have learned in this lesson share why his quote Too often we… enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” is very relevant for society today and the technological advancements we are all using.


In your community there are places you can go to investigate information and how choices are made about Tag Lines and Images for News items presented to subscribers and the public.  How many News Companies are in your community? Connect with a Journalist near you. Find out how they help your community and make decisions about the news items they present to your community.


There are many ways humans are tricked into believing something fake is real or true. Use this website to see different ways we have been tricked into believing misinformation.

 35 Examples of Media Bias

Teacher / Mentor Info:

Bloom’s Taxonomy-Lesson  Addresses the following Taxonomy Levels: 
Resources-  Remembering and Understanding Research-Applying, Analyzing Evaluating Activity-Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating BEST in Your Community- Analyzing, Evaluating Based On A True Story-Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating

Workforce Skills-Lesson  has students utilize the following Workforce Skills: 
Communication-effectively communicate ideas and information to others Adaptability-understand how to change and adapt thinking and behavior

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