Surrounded by Safety – bESTology Week 3

Published by rrfenton on

Surrounded by Safety – bESTology Week 3

Fire gearSafety surrounds you – literally. Whether it’s fire resistant clothing, seat belts or the safety cage of an automobile, protecting us from an array of accidents is always on the mind of manufacturers.

But when an accident occurs, more safety becomes involved. First responders must follow rules and regulations to ensure their safety as well. Ready to learn more? Let’s fan the flames of safety!


Firestorm of Brainstorming

Create a Mind Map and put yourself [“me”] in the center. Next, draw a circle representing each of the locations where you have been during the past 24 hours, i.e., home, school, car, grocery store, movie theater. Connect your locations to the center “me”.   From each location, branch off and brainstorm the fire safety features you would find at each location. Discuss your Mind Map with an adult and ask them to share their knowledge and awareness to try to expand your list. Post your final Mind Map in your classroom and compare with others.

Fire and Rescue Journal

Choose a first responder of your choice and list the individual pieces of their personal protective ensemble (safety gear) required to perform their job. Research the minimum design, performance, testing, and certification requirements for each item.  Compare and contrast your findings with a teammate who chose a different type of first responder. Document your findings in your journal so you can refer to this information during Crossfire 2017.

Be creative. Sketch the responder you chose above wearing the protective ensemble. Label the ensemble and explain to others why each piece of the protective gear is necessary.

BEST Connection

It’s never too early to prepare for Crossfire 2017. Update (or create) your team’s safety protocols by including and discussing the following (in no particular order):

  • Tool safety
  • Safety moment prior to each meeting
  • First aid kit
  • Signage
  • Safety test
  • MSDS
  • Fire hazards (including batteries)
  • Expectations of students
  • Expectations of teachers/mentors
  • Eye and ear protection
  • Clothing and accessories
  • Team Safety Officer(s)

Consider creating safety videos to share with “new” teams or future team members.

Community Connection

Fire detectors, first responder protective ensembles, ambulances – yes – safety comes with a price! But who pays – the homeowner, business owner or the taxpayer?

  • Search your community’s public records to determine the dollar amount spent per person to provide fire and rescue services.
  • Interview three homeowners and collect their yearly expenses for fire protection, safety equipment and insurance and calculate the average.
  • Ask a local business owner to list their direct expenses associated with fire safety for their company.
  • What elements are under consideration, or have been recently enacted in your community to help offset some of these expenses (mitigating factors).

Compare and contrast your data with others on your team and discuss the outcomes.  

Hot Topic in the News this Week: Recent Efforts to Increase Motorcoach and School Bus Safety.

A Burning Question for a Firefighter:  What do the colors of the various types of fire fighter helmets mean and what do the labels signify?

(We encourage teams to contact a fire fighter or visit a fire station and ask this question. Record the answer in your journal)

Bloom’s Taxonomy: ask, brainstorm, calculate, compare, connect, consider, contrast, create, determine, discuss, document, draw, explain, interview, label, post, research, search, share, sketch, write

Workforce Skills: reading comprehension, active listening, critical thinking, active learning, writing, mathematics, equipment evaluation, safety, science

While the information contained in this website has been compiled from sources believed to be current and reliable, Friends of BEST in Alabama, Inc. (FBA) cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions or content changes. Links made from this website are to reputable organizations at the time of posting. However, FBA cannot be held responsible for content on such linked websites. The existence of such links does not represent an endorsement by FBA of any views expressed or products or services offered.

Download a PDF copy of bESTology Week 3 – Click HERE

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