Fired Up For BEST – Week 1 bESTology

Published by rrfenton on

Fired Up for BEST – Week 1

Fire and RescueLet’s get FIRED up for BEST 2017 – Crossfire, Fire and Rescue. Ready for some BLAZING activities? Here we go!

Humans have been huddling around fires for thousands of years. The element of fire has been and remains a beneficial tool for humans in a number of ways. From very basic essentials (heat, cooking, light and energy) to modern living amenities, fire plays one of the most important roles in our daily lives. Unfortunately, when fire is out of control it has unintentional effects.

Crossfire 2017 will embrace the world of Fire and Rescue and the importance of first responders. bESTology will spark your interest and ignite your world of knowledge!

Note: Each week of bESTology will contain hints of the upcoming game Crossfire, Fire and Rescue. Happy searching!


Firestorm of Brainstorming:

With a partner, list 25 phrases or idioms associated with fire, i.e., liar, liar pants on fire, ring of fire and money to burn. Once complete, choose your top three phrases and research the history of how the phrase evolved. For example, liar, liar pants on fire is believed to have come from a poem written in 1810, by William Blake, titled “The Liar”.   Show your list to friends and family and ask them to add additional phrases or idioms.

Fire and Rescue Journal:

Sharpen your pencil; it’s time to Doodle! Expand your fire and rescue vocabulary by reviewing the above terminology resources. Open your journal and doodle a page about fire and rescue. Your doodling should include words as well as sketches associated with each word. Grab a set of colored pencils to add a blazing touch to your doodle.

BEST Connection:

Review the 2016 BEST Consumable Kit list and determine which items are sensitive to heat and fire and discuss how to reduce the flammability of each. Identify the melting or burn temperature for various kit items and predict the highest temperature a BEST robot could remain functional. Don’t let your robot go up in smoke!

Community Connection:

No smoke in your eyes this week! For five consecutive days, capture photos of objects associated with fire and rescue in your community! Assemble a photo collage and post on the BEST Facebook page. Include your school name and city. Let’s create a firestorm of photos!

Hot Topic in the News this Week:  A research team at Stanford University developed a unique way to prevent battery fires. Search online to learn more about their mini fire extinguisher for cell phone batteries.

A Burning Question for a Firefighter:  Upon arriving to a fire, how do you determine the #1 priority?  (We encourage teams to contact a fire fighter or visit a fire station and ask this question. Record the answer in your journal)

Bloom’s Taxonomy: add, ask, assemble, capture, choose, collect, create, determine, discuss, expand, include, identify, list, open, post, predict, research, review, search, show, sketch.

Workforce Skills: reading comprehension, active listening, critical thinking, speaking, writing, evaluation of material resources.

Download a PDF copy of bESTology Week 1CLICK HERE

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