bESTology 2025-Lesson #4
Published by Gwynn on

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A computer, your team and decisions. Do you feel like you are ready to take on your next mission? This mission will begin a journey of digital interaction and integration. Are you ready to challenge what you know to build new thoughts about the power of human interaction with the digital world? You have the tools to critically think and employ positive decision making. Let’s begin this mission…
Week #4- "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn". – Alvin Toffer
Mission four will take you to explore new ideals, new interaction possibilities with technology. The name is in the name of our newest competition. Have you figured it out? If so, you are ready to begin. Keep in mind the quote above by Alvin Toffer, this quote is so relevant to life and society today. Lets begin this new journey.
Languages are necessary for communication. Communication isn’t just a human trait. As technology has developed the language humans have used to communicate with digital devices that we know as programming languages: DOS, Java, JavaScript HTML/5, BASIC, and C are all examples used to have computers accomplish tasks for us humans. Voice communication with computers wasn’t even possible until recently, the last 20 years or so. Now digital technology is making a new leap that we humans that are not programmers or part robot are needing to learn. Movies like WallE, I-Robot, and Star Trek all showed the future communicating with machines. Is your cell phone a phone? Do you use your phone to make phone calls or do you use this device as a communication device via texting or voicing commands? Let’s investigate how tech languages have progressed to learn how to positively communicate with technology. Are we moving towards the Matrix? Are you ready to Unlearn, Learn, and ReLearn by investigating this newer reality…
Resource Title | Website URL |
The History of AI | Timeline Resource |
Understanding the Types of AI | Resource |
AI Playground | Interactive Game-no account needed |
Check Your Knowledge of AI | Challenge Quiz |
Now that you are learning about the types of AI, let’s investigate your interaction with AI. How often do you think you are using AI? Do you think about how AI works while using apps on your phone, or websites on a computer?
Resource Title | Website URL |
Video: CommonSense Media | |
Video: What Is Generative AI | |
Video: The 7 Types of AI and Why We Only Talk About 3 | |
Video: Casually Explained: The Levels of AI |
Challenge! Reflect on your use of Social Media or websites. Do you interact with AI while using these tools? Research how Facebook, Tik Tok, or even Google or your phone use AI. Can you classify what type of AI is being used?
Resources To Use:
Facebook and AI
Instagram and AI
Tik Tok and AI
Alvin Toffer is an author. He has written many books about the future. His quote “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn” is from his 1970 book Future Shock. Do you think this quote is relevant to how society needs to interact with technology now and in the future? Use this link to learn more about Alvin Toffer and how your learning in this lesson can model his quote.
In your community are their businesses that are AI focused? How are these companies using AI? How is your school using AI? Connect or a school Technology employee to learn more about the use of AI and how they are impacted your community. Share your investigation in your Engineering Notebook.
Use the link to read about the possibilities of AI and how it might impact society. Use this website to learn about the predictions and possibilities.
Teacher / Mentor Info:
Bloom’s Taxonomy-Lesson Addresses the following Taxonomy Levels:
Resources- Remembering and Understanding
Research-Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating
Activity-Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating
BEST in Your Community- Analyzing, Evaluating
Based On A True Story-Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating
Workforce Skills-Lesson has students utilize the following Workforce Skills:
Communication-effectively communicate ideas and information to others
Adaptability-understand how to change and adapt thinking and behavior
My Personal Journal