bESTology 2024 – Lesson 10 – Becoming a Moon Realtor
Welcome to bESTology 2024
During the bESTology lessons, you are going to act as a realtor and your goal is to gather enough information so you can sell property in outer space, specifically the moon.
So, as you prepare your rockets for launch and take off for your journey into outer space, we wish you the BEST of luck and may you always stay in LOW G
The ten lessons in front of you are going to prepare you for the LOW G BEST season and help your team understand the concepts needed to sell property on another planet.
You might think this is far-fetched, but it really isn’t.
So, gather your team and become the next BEST realtor.
LESSON 10 – Becoming a Moon Realtor
Congratulations! You have completed your training in become an expert on the Moon and can officially apply for your Moon Realtor License.
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Over the past 10 lessons of bESTology, you have done a lot of digging and made some incredible discoveries. All this research is going to prepare you for the next step in the journey.
I am also sure that all this research will come in handy during the BEST 2024 LOW G program.
Add in any research you think you might need to continue your education on living on the Moon.
Take out your science journal, or create a Google Document and write down as many important facts as you can remember.
Your final activity is to create flyers, brochures, and business cards for your new Moon Realty business. Use as much of the research that you have learned over the past 10 bESTology lessons to create your advertising campaign.
Remember you are trying to convince people to come live and work on the Moon.
My Personal Journal