2022-bESTology Week 3
Published by Gwynn Moore on

bESTology Week 3-Picking Which Way
- Fulfillment Zones
- Fulfillment types
Students will understand the different types of order picking and fulfillment zones and how these processes affect the warehouse and fulfillment center designs.
Order picking is the success mechanism for warehouses and fulfillment centers across the globe. These facilities provide the needed access for shipping and inventory management companies need to meet customer demands for products.
Research/Reflect/Brainstorm – Time to think and expand your knowledge!
Grab your BEST Journal, notebook or online doc for notes to document your learning. Use various sources such as books, magazines, and websites from below to learn more about energy, forms of energy, consequences, and possibilities.
Use various sources such as the links and videos below, textbooks, magazines etc. to answer the
Essential Questions:
- What are the different types of order picking?
- What is the most efficient order picking?
- Does the type of fulfillment center influence the type of order picking?
- How are humans involved with the different types of order picking?
- How could order picking and fulfillment type affect human interactions in our communities?
Online Resources – list all links to material useful for research about the lesson topic
- BEST.org
- What is Order Picking
- What are Fulfillment zones
- Order Fulfillment Picking
- Improving Order Fulfillment
- Discrete Fulfillment
- Robotic Order Fulfillment
- Warehouse Design
- Warehouse Automation
- How Hybrid Automated Fulfillment Works-Video
- How Autonomous Fulfillment Works-Video
- Order Fulfillment Process-Video
- Levels of Order Picking-Video
- What is an order picker-Video
Activity – In small collaborative groups or individually share your learning with your team and school or community. Creation instructions for the different activities are accessed by the links.
BEST Connection – make connection(s) between the lesson and BEST Robotics program
- Create an entry for your Engineering Notebook sharing what you learned from your research and how it will help your team.
- Create an chart of graph of the type of order picking used in fulfillment centers for your Engineering Notebook and to be used in your Marketing Presentation
- Create a chart showing the different types autonomous machines used in your community for your Engineering Notebook
Community Connection – make connection(s) between the lesson and your community
- Create a short documentary movie about the fulfillment centers in your community sharing how they are integrated into your community
- Conduct a short interviews with warehouses in your community to identify what types of order picking are used for their products
Digital Citizenship
- Be sure to cite the sources and resources you used for your learning and projects by creating a Bibliography page in your project with the name of the websites and URL addresses
- Be sure to include the sources and resources used in your Engineering Notebook by adding the name of the websites, books etc. and the URL address
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Remember-content vocabulary: autonomic, autonomous, human interaction, order picking, zones, fulfillment, warehouse,
Understand-research to learn more about automation and autonomous
Apply-taking notes and synthesizing meaning from resources to build their knowledge
Analyze-determine the pros and cons of automation and autonomous
Evaluate-resources used for research to answer questions and develop notebook entry
Create-Engineering Notebook entry, Activity/Project completed and shared
Workforce Skills
Critical Thinking, Analyzing and Evaluating information, Creating, Writing, Research, Communication, Problem Solving, Collaboration
Automatic, autonomous, hybrid, human interaction, Automatic, autonomous, hybrid, human interaction, fulfillment, AMR, fulfillment, order picking, discrete, shipping zones, warehouse design fulfillment,
My Personal Journal