Published by Kevin Lidington on

What are the foundational building materials found in the human body? 

 In lesson 1 were going to talk about the foundational building materials of the body:

  •       Cells
  •       Tissues
  •       Organs.  

Cells are the smallest unit of life meaning they are the smallest structural and functional unit of a living organism. They are the lowest level of organization in every life and are often referred to as the “Building blocks of Life”.   Cells come in different shapes and sizes and have the ability to replicate themselves independently. As humans we have many cells, making us Multicellular, which makes up our body.  Did you know that the human body is made up of trillions of cells?  

 Tissues are cells that are grouped together to carry out a specific function.  Humans have different types of tissue throughout the body.  There are four basic types of tissues: epithelial, muscle, nerve, and connective.   Epithelial tissue covers your organs and body, muscle tissue is the tissue that makes up the muscles of the body, nervous tissue is found mostly in the nervous system including the brain and spinal cord, and connective tissue connects other tissues.  Fun fact:  Did you know that blood is a tissue? 

 Organs are when two or more tissues come together to perform a complex function.  Within your body, there are 78 organs with 5 being considered vital for life.  Your brain, heart, lungs, kidney, and liver are considered your vital organs.  Organs can also be found on the outside of your body.  Take your skin for example.  Doctors considered your skin to be the biggest organ. Your organs are important for your body to function.  They can help with how you breathing (lungs), your brain helps to make decisions, eyes help you see, kidneys help clean your blood, your heart pumps blood throughout the body,  using the restroom, and digesting food to name a few. Did you know “The brain consumes up to 20% of the energy used by the human body”?



 Grab a notebook or your journal and research the following: 

 Group – Watch the following video:  How To See Germs Spread Experiment (Coronavirus).


As a group, create a google slideshow response to each question. What did you think?  How easily do we spread germs?  How many times on average do we touch our faces?  What are things you could do to help viruses not spread as easily? 

Last reflect how many items you just touched and shared an item in this class time.  Did anyone use a supply of yours? If you had a black light what items probably have other germs on them if you used black light.  Look at your last 12 hours and determine what germs you could have picked up or spread.  Share the most susceptible places you could have picked up or spread germs at. Now, go use some hand sanitizer and determine to do better with using cleaning supplies to help stop the spread! 

 Individual – 

In the game Tetris, the pieces build and then delete or take care of themselves, just like your cells and your immune system. They can fix a minor error but when your body is breaking down and multiple errors occur, and you don’t seek help, your game can be over. Play a round of Tetris and see how you do and how well you can keep your system healthy and how many lines you delete.     


Community Connection

In a city or business, there is normally a board of directors or council. These individuals are voted upon and over the years new politicians or board members come in with new agendas, values, or ideas on how to better the company or city. However, if one person comes in and they have corrupt ideas or attitudes, this can affect the morale of the group and even skew people’s perspectives and hurt the company or community.  Friends are like this as well. If you have one friend that is suggesting something you know to be wrong, illegal, or unethical and you keep hanging out with them, they can corrupt you eventually.  A virus that is in a tube is not a major concern, but a virus that is airborne can be a pandemic.  Words and suggestions from people that are not of a pure heart or in your best interest, can corrupt your future and your happiness. Be careful.  If you see something that isn’t life-giving to you and your future, clean yourself of it, and try a different path.  Maybe you will one day change your community for the good. Be the change. 

Bloom’s Taxonomy: create, explore, evaluate, generate, include, identify, list, observe, reflect, review, use, and write

Workforce Skills – list workforce skills related to this lesson

Critical thinking, Collaboration, materials evaluation, reading comprehension, science, writing, research





My Personal Journal

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